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Home/Garden Maintenance Service

Garden Maintenance Service

Why do you need Garden Maintenance service

Garden maintenance is a fun but time-consuming task. But regular garden maintenance is still vital to avoid a dull or wilting appearance. Depending on the type of soil that is in the area, you may need to regularly replenish the nutrients of the soil.

Get the garden you want without a sore back or sunburned shoulders.

Protect your landscape investment.

Home Garden Maintenance Service


Although gardening is fun at the start, maintaining it requires a lot. Avoid the pain and frustration in maintaining your garden.

We can give you peace of mind that your garden will be tended. Whatever your gardening goals, we can help to maximize yields, minimize weeds, reduce damage from harmful insects, and ensure the overall health of your plants.

Your garden is an important investment for you and your family and we are happy to keep it in tip-top shape.


We offer the following:

  • Weeding

Weeding is an important control method practiced in many crops. The removal of weeds is useful because these unwanted plants compete with the crop for space, water, and nutrients.

  • Cultivating the soil

Some crop growth can deplete soil nutrients after just a few seasons of planting. Fertilizer is important to provide the nutrients the plants need to grow. Fertilizers help deliver enough food to last more seasons.

  • Raking

Raking leaves offer many benefits, both to you and to your property. The most important benefit of raking leaves is that it will help your grass grow. A thick layer of fallen leaves can deprive the grass of sunlight, which gets in the way of the growth of some cool-season grasses which revitalize themselves in the fall. Cool-season lawn grasses are most active in moderately cool fall weather when they must “make hay” to strengthen their root systems.

  • Spreading mulch

During dry spells, mulch can save plants. It acts as an insulator, keeping the soil cool and moist in summer. Vegetables that have their roots in cool soil will be more vigorous and less stressed by heat. In winter, mulch can keep the soil from freezing, an advantage for those who have root crops in the ground.

  • Edging the garden beds

Edging creates clean, crisp lines between beds and other areas. It is most visible between a lawn and the adjoining garden, but landscape edging can define a flower border, a shrub bed, a single tree, or the transition from a patio to the surrounding garden.

  • Compost Management

Compost is organic material that can be added to soil to help plants grow. Composting turns food scraps and yard waste into a natural fertilizer. This natural fertilizer enriches the soil, helping retain moisture, and suppress plant diseases. It also reduces the need for chemical fertilizers. Furthermore, compost encourages the production of beneficial bacteria and fungi that break down organic matter to create humus, a rich nutrient-filled material.

  • Irrigation services

The irrigation system protects your yard, plants, and trees from inefficient water and drought. As important as getting enough water to your lawn is making sure any excess water gets away from your lawn. Too much water is as bad, if not worse, than not having enough water. Excess water can be harmful to your soil, drown your plants and even lead to the germination of weeds. An irrigation system helps to control the amount of water you’re using. Proper absorption and drainage is an important part of a good irrigation system

You call! We respond! Quickly and Efficiently!

No contract or subscription or monthly fee! All you just need to do is just call us, message us, or email us! Our team will happily assess your needs and make service recommendations that align with your budget. The final cost will be rendered by our team upon actual inspection of the area. Finally, we’re on standby and available 24/7.

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Home Garden Maintenance Service

Tel: 8178912185


Currently Serving Texas State in the following county and still trying reach more.

Wilson, Guadalupe, Bexar, Dewitt, Karnes, Live Oak, Atascosa, Gonzales, Medina, Frio, Comal, Goliad, Lavaca, Bee, Mc. Mullen County